Adorable senior dog wins the heart of street cat

According to some people, making new friends gets harder as you get older, but when Arthur and his family moved into a new home, their dog, Bailey, showed them you are never too old to make new best friends.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Before they moved to their new home, Arthur and his family had rescued Bailey from life as a breeding dog in 2007. In spite of being forced to rear multiple generations of puppies and leave them all behind, Bailey was still a kind dog.

Even as she got older, Bailey continued to show Arthur and his family that she was caring, loving and gentle. But when they moved to their new home, Bailey showed her family just how deep those traits ran.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Shortly after they arrived at their new home in the countryside, Arthur and his family noticed a feral cat living behind their house. They tried to help by leaving food outside, but they never caught a glimpse of their feline neighbor.

What they did not know was that Bailey had already decided to take matters into her paws. “Bailey was frequenting the backyard to check up on them,” said Bailey’s dad.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Still, they had no idea what Bailey was planning until they stepped outside one day and saw a strange sight. Bailey lay on the porch, and between her paws was a tiny, fluffy cat.

Arthur and his family decided that day to accept the cat into their home. Arthur could not have been more proud of his lovable pooch. “Bailey’s never befriended a feral animal before,” said Arthur. “It just goes to show how loving she is. She’s always been extremely sweet.”

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Adorable senior dog wins the heart of street cat