These Baby And Puppy Are Vibrating In Anticipation For Daddy To Come Home! AWWW!

When I was really small I remember recognizing my father’s car   drive land-cruiser diesel engine that had a very particular sound, to this day I can clearly hear it my head. The anticipation that I felt when I distinguished this sound branded into my memory because I associated it with my father. The following adorable video features an example of this behavior!

This mom checked her watch, and she knew that what was coming. Her husband was coming home. She headed to the door and then opened it to let her little baby and puppy as they watch Dad pull to the driveway. Immediately, the three of them recognize Dad’s red car, and Mom says, “It’s Daddy.”

Dad pulls into the driveway, and the baby’s and dog’s reactions completely melted my heart. The two are so happy to see Dad, and they could hardly contain their excitement. The baby starts jumping up and down and screaming, while the pup gets on his two hind legs and starts scratching at the screen door.

Watch these two adorable babies acting the same with excitement!

Share this adorable video with your friends and family on Facebook because it will give them a great big smile… or two… or three! It will make them happy and you, too!