Cockatoo adorably confused by toy robot

In many ways, our pets are like children. And as we get older ourselves, it can be an illuminating experience to have our pets remind us what it’s like to see something for the first time.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Objects we ignore might be terrifying or fascinating for our feathered and furry friends. Part of the beauty of having an animal companion in your life is being able to see the world as they see it.

This was when Gotcha the Cockatoo first encountered a plastic toy that his mom brought home. At first, Gotcha did not seem thrilled about this unwelcome guest in his living room.

Image Credit Madly Odd

As he rounded the corner, he slinked over to his mom’s side, shrinking down beside her. His mom was sure to assure him he was safe, and he started to peak over the side of her leg at the toy.

Eventually, though, his curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to investigate. He was still leary, though, shuffling across the floor and crawling across his mom’s lap to make sure the toy was safe.

Image Credit Madly Odd

You can see his behavior change when his human sibling shows that they are not scared of the toy. Still, he seems a little confused when the toy echoes back, “I love you, Gotcha.”

Our animal companions are such sources of joy in our lives. You never know how they will surprise you, but you can be sure they will bring a smile to your face.

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Cockatoo adorably confused by toy robot