Compassionate cat soothes his anxious canine sister

If you leave an animal at home when you go to work, chances are you have wondered what things your pets get up to while you are gone. This family decided to find out, and what they saw was an adorable interaction between their cat, Kelvin, and dog, Joule.

For several weeks, the couple’s dog, Joule, experienced a lot of angst whenever her mom and dad left for work. “She was like a hot mess of just separation anxiety,” said Joule and Kelvin’s dad.

That was part of what fueled the couple’s decision to set up a hidden camera to watch their pets while they were at work. As a result, they saw a side of their cat they had never expected.

“We never realized how much time they spent together until we got the security cameras,” said Joule and Kelvin’s mom. Every day when they left for work, Kelvin would jump up and start rubbing against his canine sibling and then fall asleep on her.

Every day was the same. Joule would jump up onto the furniture, and Kelvin followed right behind, nuzzling into the anxious Joule. After a little while of getting situated, they would both fall asleep.

The couple was certain that Kelvin was doing this to help soothe Joule’s separation anxiety. “Kelvin’s always massaging her, always doing those biscuits,” said their mom. And gradually, the animals’ mom and dad noticed the difference.

“We definitely noticed that [Joule] was getting more used to us leaving and not being as anxiety [filled],” said the dad. What an adorable, compassionate little kitty. Joule and her family are lucky to have him.

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Compassionate cat soothes his anxious canine sister