Corgi’s mom gets three kitten siblings for her dog

Cats and dogs might not have a reputation for getting along, but Rooney the Corgi did not seem to care. She was obsessed with cats. “Anytime we see cats, she gets super excited,” said Rooney’s mom, Natalie.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Because of this, Natalie and her boyfriend had been thinking about getting a cat for Rooney, but they wanted to make sure they were making the right choice. So, they chose to foster.

Two kittens came to their home, but when the male sibling had to go back to the shelter, it was just Rooney and the rambunctious kitten, Olive. Rooney seemed conflicted about her new foster sister at first.

Image Credit Madly Odd

On the one hand, Rooney wanted to get as close to Olive as possible, and on the other hand, Olive could be somewhat unpredictable. But over time, the pair grew closer, and Natalie and her boyfriend realized they could not give up OIive.

After giving the cat and dog duo a chance to settle into their new norm, Natalie and her boyfriend gave fostering another try with a trio of adorable kittens. Like Olive, these kittens were not sure what to make of Rooney at first.

Image Credit Madly Odd

But over time, the kittens began to see Rooney as their safe space, running back to the Corgi when the family went on a trip to the beach. Among the trio were Nai’a and Bobbie, who ended up joining the growing list of foster fails in Natalie’s home.

With her three cat siblings, Rooney was in heaven, and even though raising three kittens felt like having three four-legged toddlers in the house, Natalie never regretted her decision to keep Olive, Nai’a and Bobbie. “They bring us so much joy,” Natalie said. “I ended up having three small dogs that purr.”

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Corgi’s mom gets three kitten siblings for her dog