Fans Can’t Stop Watching Cute Cowboy & His Dancing Dog

Lukas Pratschker & Border Collie Falco bring the wild west to Crufts 2018 Dog Show with their Freestyle performance in the International Heelwork to Music competition.

This cowboy danced in sync with his border collie, walking backward, twisting and turning to put on a great show. What a lovely partnership between a young man and his dog.

This Cowboy and his talented Collie do a unique country dance routine together for the fans at the famous England dog show.

It’s not often (unless I am mistaken) you get country music with heelwork to music. Wouldn’t it be fun to see a line-dancing dog at Crufts one day!

Such a great performance! Another Border Collie stealing the show! Who would have guessed, right? This breed is incredibly smart and it shows. Falco and his cowboy companion have obviously put a lot of hard work and long hours into their performance.

This video has been viewed over a million times already. Watch and see for yourself why everyone loves to watch this awesome cowboy and his trusty dog dancing together.

Keep in mind, folks, this is a very serious competition and the stakes are real — especially for Falco who I’m sure is going to get a nice juicy steak for is marvelous performance. That’s some fancy footwork, my friends.

#dogs #dancing #pets #cowboy

Fans Can’t Stop Watching Cute Cowboy & His Dancing Dog