Girl And Dog Become Friends In This Foreign Ad. By The Time You Get To The End, You’ll Be In Tears!

You might not be aware of it, because for us in the western world it might be kind of strange, but there are lots of commercials and ads made in Asia that have a very strong message and a tear inducing delivery. Thailand is known as the master country of this particular type of video; many Thai ads have gone viral in the past. We now present to you another one of them, and it really is at another level.  If you’re a dog lover like me, brace yourself, and better grab some napkins, too.

The ad is for the Krungthai Bank, and it presents the story of a girl who grew up to be a veterinary doctor. She thinks back to the time when she was afraid of Olieng, the dog who lived next door. It looks like he is violent and fierce, but the reality is that he’s a sad dog who only wants to protect her parent. After the elder woman who took care of him was taken away from illness, the girl decides to feed him and to take care of him. They become friends, but what happened next really made me bawl in sadness. It’s too beautiful for me to spoil it!

Watch the video just below, and don’t forget to tell us all your opinions in the comments.

SHARE this precious video with all your friends on Facebook right now because this is just too cute to pass up. It will brighten everybody’s day and make you happy, too!