Golden retriever puppy takes his first walk without a leash

Today is a big day for the Golden Retriever puppy, Buddy. He just wrapped up all of his new pup vaccinations, and his owners are excited to take him on his first real walk.

Image Credit Madly Odd

As soon as the family gets to a field, they let Buddy off the leash. They believe that their pups need to get used to responding to them at a young age. Thankfully, Buddy has three older Husky brothers to show him what to do.

The three dogs run around happily, chasing after their owner. Puppies desire to be with their humans even more than older dogs, so it’s essential to make use of this time to train puppies to stay close to their owners.

Golden retriever puppy
Image Credit Madly Odd

For the most part, Buddy’s brothers are great role models, but they’re not so compliant when their human dad wants them to copy him as he repeatedly jumps over a metal bar.

The dogs paw at the metal, which is wet from recent rain, and they simply refuse to follow dad’s jumps. Perhaps the surface feels too slipper for them, or they may be just a bit too big to make the jump.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Buddy stays close to his owners and is rewarded with lots of pets and compliments each time he returns to the woman holding the camera. The puppy’s owners want him to know that staying close to them is a good thing.

None of the four dogs go out of range of their humans, and they show they’re happy to return home when the walk is over. It’s nice to get a bit of fresh air and exercise, but the Huskies and Golden Retriever happily head home when it’s time.

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Golden retriever puppy takes his first walk without a leash