Hand feeding a pair of gorgeous baby birds who lost their mama

If you were looking for a video to replenish your hope in humanity, this is the one for you. In this short video, one man hand-feeds a pair of adorable baby birds.

Image Credit Madly Odd

From the beginning, the personalities of these two baby birds were clear. The brown bird sat calmly, waiting patiently for its turn to feed, but the white bird was chattering as loud as it could.

But before he could feed the birds, the man had to mix up some tasty paste for the babies, and like every great chef, he also had a taste tester in the form of an adult bird that checked to make sure everything was just right for the babies.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Once he had his helper’s approval, the caretaker gave the mixture one final stir and then sucked it into a syringe for the babies. First to be served was the brown bird.

Gently, he lifted the brown bird onto his hand, and the baby was still as docile as could be. It sat still and opened its mouth for its meal. When it finished, the man gave the baby bird a little cleaning up with a napkin and set it beside the other baby bird.

Image Credit Madly Odd

The white bird was not as easy as its companion. When the man picked up the white bird, it was too excited for its food, chirping and swinging its head back and forth. He had to set the baby down in its chair before he could feed it.

And when he finished, the baby bird still wanted more, chirping and swinging its head around as if beckoning more food from its adoptive mother. With the babies fed, the man gave the pair of birds one last pet before setting them down for a nap.

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Hand feeding a pair of gorgeous baby birds who lost their mama