Kindhearted couple rescues skinny stray dog, falls in love with him

Bill was sitting at his computer when he thought he spotted a deer, but then he realized the emaciated creature standing outside was a stray dog. He called for his wife, Krista, and they contacted a rescue team.

Image Credit Madly Odd

When the rescue team arrived, they searched for hours for the pup, and when all hope seemed lost, they finally found him and rushed him to a hospital. It was then, Krista recounts, that she fell in love with the dog.

On that first night, the dog named Billy was very sick, and it looked like he might not make it. But little Billy proved to be a fighter, and he pushed through to the second day and the third.

Image Credit Madly Odd

But as the veterinarians continued to treat Billy, the bills kept on going up. They reached out to their community with nowhere else to turn and asked for help. And the community was incredibly supportive, helping them raise all the money they needed.

After Billy’s treatments, Bill and Krista brought him home with the intent to foster him. It was a long journey to recovery, but slowly, Billy began to put on weight.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Not long after, Billy received two canine brothers, Diesel, and Remington, and the couple realized Billy was a “foster fail.” After so long of caring for him and growing to love him, they couldn’t let him go.

And they were not the only ones who fell in love with Billy. His story reached people around the world. “He taught me that you should appreciate what you have,” said Krista.

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Kindhearted couple rescues skinny stray dog, falls in love with him