Kindhearted woman stops on busy highway to rescue tiny stray kitten

Something caught a woman’s eye on the side of a highway. She pulled off and got out to investigate. She pretty quickly realized it was a kitten, an abandoned kitten that she needed to save.

Image Credit Madly Odd

She didn’t have anything with her, no carrier or cage, not even a blanket. Just her own jacket. She prayed the kitten would be friendly and not scratch her.

She could get him into her car, and the cat immediately crawled into her lap. She comforted him as she drove home and told him sweetly, “Who could’ve ever left you like this? I will never leave you.”

Image Credit Madly Odd

At her home, she gave him a medicated bath and fed him. It was clear that the baby was malnourished as his coat was infected.

Over the next two weeks, the woman cared for the kitten by giving him the special baths and feeding him as much as possible. She named him Basel and watched him thrive.

Image Credit Madly Odd

When she first weighed him at the time of rescue, Basel weighed four pounds. After two weeks of care, he had gained ten pounds for a total of 14 lbs, which is a healthy weight for a cat his age.

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Kindhearted woman stops on busy highway to rescue tiny stray kitten