Lonely Dog Walking Street Leads Cop to Thinking Not Only He’s Homeless, But to An Amazing Find!

Dogs are generally loyal and courageous. In almost all instances they are happy to see you, they are always excited for food or being pet. Most of the time they are just excited to be around you. Just excited to be in your presence. Usually excited and thinking you may not be giving them all the love they need. So, they jump up in your lap, sometimes when it isn’t the best time, and rub their faces into your hand. It’s hard not to like dogs, unless you have a bad incident with a dog. The story below however, is about the opposite case.

John Boy is a beautifully coated dog, a Labrador Retriever if I’m correct. He has had his fair share of trouble with adoptive families. He’s been in and out of the shelter at least six different times with at least three different families. The good boy that he is at heart led him to the Krystal. Krystal’s daughter, Tianne, found herself grateful to the pooch. In his debt for his heroic deeds.

After suffering the rough life, he had, to share a connection with an owner really shows progress. It can be hard after being rejected and dumped back at the shelter time and time again. Yet through it all, John Boy was just looking for an owner like Krystal. One to love and care for him like he hadn’t been cared for or loved previously.

You can tell John Boy is a good boy. The officer confused when he spotted John Boy on that faithful winter night, decided to get to the bottom of it. The dog couldn’t be homeless, he had tags, he also just didn’t have the demeanor of a dog that was lost and confused. Moreover, the dog seemed somewhat anxious. When you see why the hound was so anxious, you will flip your lid! What a heroic dog.

What did you think? Share this story with a friend and brighten up their day with this heroic tale.

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