Five-Month Old Shire Foul Finds Safety in Horse Sanctuary

Life is full of ups and downs that we have to learn how to overcome and rise above. The same is true for animals as well. Papillon is a shire foal that has an incredibly inspiring story about having a healthy and fulfilling life, despite the hand, she was given.

Not everyone who owns an animal treats them with the love and respect they deserve. Papillon is a gorgeous horse who wants to live a long and happy life like anyone else. Her mother’s original owner was less than kind, and she was brought to a sanctuary.

Papillon has been raised at the Redwings Horse Sanctuary. She was one of a handful of other horses that were donated all at once in 2017. She is now five months old, and the vets at the Redwing Horse Hospital are keeping a close eye on her.

As long as she stays healthy, she’ll be able to move to Redwing Visitor Center, where the public will be able to meet her. It’s safe to assume her mom is very proud of her, and the two can’t quite get enough of each other.

#Rescue #Horse #Foal #Inspirational

Five-Month Old Shire Foul Finds Safety in Horse Sanctuary