These owls do not like being on candid camera

What would you do if you found out you were being filmed without your knowledge? When these burrow owls realized Tom Morath had placed a camera in their home, they were not enthused.

At the Hawk Conservancy Trust, Tom Morath and his team took care of several species of birds, helping them rebuild their populations. Sometimes that required keeping an eye on the birds when the team was not around.

The remote observation would allow the team to see how these birds acted without human interference. “We wanted to try and find out whether [they were] any different when we weren’t around,” said Tom.

There was just one problem with the experiment. The owls were more clever than Tom had anticipated. “It took surprisingly little time for them to find my camera,” he said.

Within thirty seconds of being awake, one of the owls discovered the new object in their home. Tom admitted that the camera was not perfectly hidden, but he was still surprised.

Tom explained that owls are particularly sensitive to changes in their environment. So, this strange new device stuck out as soon as they noticed it. But they did more than notice the alien object.

Multiple times, the owls attacked the new arrival. It seems even burrow owls like to have their privacy. Check out this adorable candid footage of these fascinating and intelligent birds.

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These owls do not like being on candid camera