These puppies are determined to win over their new cat friend

Adjusting to life with a gaggle of little ones is not easy for anyone, even if the little ones in question are adorable puppies. This was true for this beleaguered cat when she met her new puppy siblings.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Watching the cat’s reactions to the fluffy puppies, it was hard not to imagine an exhausted older cousin being forced to play with her younger cousins. At first, she wanted nothing to do with them.

As one of the braver babies approached, the cat slinked away, trying to put as much distance between her and the puppy as possible without making it seem like she was trying to play.

Image Credit Madly Odd

When that strategy did not work, she attempted to employ the classic “silent treatment” tactic. While the puppies whined for her attention, she deliberately stared the other way.

But it turned out these puppies were just as determined to be her friend as she was to ignore them. They licked her fur, wagged their tails and nibbled at the end of her tail.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Even the most patient of older siblings or cousins will lose patience eventually. Still, this cat resisted the urge to bat away one of the puppies and hissed at the baby instead.

Eventually, the annoyed cat seemed to give up, letting one of her new puppy family members play on her. As one commenter pointed out, her expression was unmistakable, and she seemed to say, “I guess this is my life now.”

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These puppies are determined to win over their new cat friend