This Rare Silver Pug Growing Up Will Melt Your Heart

Little Smokey’s biological mom was a fawn pug (black snout, tan body) and his father was a super rare white pug. Smokey is a precociously obnoxious mix of the two. When I met him, he had smoke-colored ears, so that’s where he got his name. These days, he’s the color of a coffee with lots and lots of cream, but I think his name still suits him.

In this clip you will see Smokey experience a lot of things for the first time. He experiences a big brother, grass for the first time, which he seems to love, and snow, which, he hilariously seems to give two thumbs down. He doesn’t even seem interested in eating it, but he looks adorable in his little coat. He also plays a great game of fetch and has a lot of fun at the dog park making new friends.

The last time I posted a video of Smokey, many of our fans commented that he looks like a French bulldog, but I assure you, he’s pure pug. If you don’t believe me, I’m happy to send him to your house. His rampant shedding and pugnoxious personality will prove his puggy nature to you. So will his floppy ears. They don’t perk up like a French bulldog’s.

Let us know what you think of this video in the comments. We’d love to hear from you! Please share this video of Smokey’s firsts on your Facebook page so everyone can see how much he’s grown this year.

Be sure to share this video with all your friends on Facebook right now because it will give them a chuckle! This is too cute to pass up. Spread the joy!