When It’s Time For Breakfast This Dog Does Something I Never Fathomed Possible!

Dogs are such funny animals, digging crazy holes, jumping around in the snow or even dancing for their owners. They are also known to be especially fond of eating; devouring almost anything they can get their paws on.

The two beautiful Alaskan Huskies in this awesome video must be really hungry for breakfast, and they are sure letting their owners know it!

What starts are a lovely family video of two children quickly turns into internet gold as these two puppies come into the frame.

He starts calling the dogs, named Mishka and Lica. They are jumping around, as huskies tend to do – they are a very energetic dog breed.

But once the waffle alarm goes off for breakfast, the dogs go nuts! Each time he mentions waffles; the dogs start begging, and not like typical dogs.

These dogs seem to be actually trying to talk to their owner. When he asks, “Mishka you want some waffles?” the dog responds, seeming to say “I want my own!”

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