For the first time in years, these two pigs see grass

While many sanctuaries provide loving, caring homes for rescued animals, a few can be just as bad as the places the animals came from. That was the case for the two pigs, Wilbur and Anastasia.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Before Animal Place rescued the two pigs from their “sanctuary,” they had lived in terrible conditions. Wilbur had lived for five years in a 20×30’ pen with no grass, and Anastasia had spent more than ten years in a 10×15’ dirt pen.

In their old homes, both Anastasia and Wilbur seemed sad and unmotivated. Even when their rescuers arrived, they were despondent and lay in their pens. But all of that was about to change.

Image Credit Madly Odd

The team loaded Wilbur and Anastasia onto their trucks and got ready to leave. Even with his arthritis and poor muscle development from a lack of exercise, Wilbur seemed more than ready to leave this place behind.

When Wilbur and Anastasia arrived at their new home, Anastasia was overwhelmed by the amount of grass. As her rescuers released her, she took halting strides as if she could not believe this was her forever home.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Wilbur had no such reservations. As he stepped off the truck, he immediately took to the grass, a wide pig grin on his face, and as Wilbur sank into the grass, he looked more content than he ever did in his old pen.

After years in dirty, cramped pens, Wilbur and Anastasia were free to roam large expanses of green grass. Thanks to Animal Place, these two pigs could finally be in the home they deserved.

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For the first time in years, these two pigs see grass