Twin baby elephants copy mom’s every move

From the day the two twins arrived at the elephant sanctuary, love surrounded them. Their loving mom brought them everywhere, and even the caretakers showered the baby elephants with adoration.

When visitors came to the sanctuary, they would marvel over the twins. And just when they thought the two baby elephants could not get more lovable, they put on a little show for a lucky group of onlookers.

You might have heard the saying “monkey see, monkey do,” but when it comes to copying these twin baby elephants might be even more guilty. Fortunately, there were cameras nearby to capture the adorable scene.

The baby elephants followed closely behind their mother, ducking under her long legs as they attempted to graze. Their movements were clumsy and confused as they grasped at strands of grass.

Captive audience members cooed and took as many photos as they could. But the show had just begun. The main event started when the mama elephant joined the other adult elephants for a sand bath.

The eager twin elephants grasped the sand with their unwieldy trunks and attempted to toss it onto their backs. Unfortunately, they would have to settle for a water bath today.

If you are a fan of elephants or are looking for some heartwarming footage of baby elephants having fun, take some time to watch this video. You will be glad that you did!

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Twin baby elephants copy mom\'s every move