Woman befriends and feeds wild Blue Jays that visit her every day

Every morning Julie will wake up to her favorite alarm clock, the sound of wild Blue Jays chirping. She never thought she was a bird person, then her life changed when she started feeding them.

It all started when she saw a Blue Jay on a railing outside her house. Julie left nuts for them, and they happily ate them. Over time she wanted to see how close they would get to her.

Eventually, the Blue Jays trusted her enough to fly onto her hand and eat from it. Julie said that she felt like a Disney princess at times. Several Blue Jays would visit her frequently.

She built trust with them, and they knew her very well. One of the Blue Jays would follow her around the house and tap on the window.

It was a nice break from her day when she would grab a handful of peanuts and go outside. All Julie had to do was stick her hand out, and one of the birds came soaring in.

They would gently land on the tips of her fingers and start enjoying their treat. Sometimes they would eat one nut at a time or grab one of the big shells and carry it away.

During the winter, they don’t show up, but they come back during spring. Julie has made several friends and even feeds a few Chickadees alongside the Blue Jays that come to visit.

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Woman befriends and feeds wild Blue Jays that visit her every day