"They Thought They Would Rescue The Dog, But It Was The Dog That Rescued Them! I'M IN TEARS!"

It all started through a news story. An abandoned and severely abused dog by the name of Xena had been gaining attention throughout the media for the horrendous state she had been left. With doctors giving Xena barely a chance to live, shelters tried to find a home for her.

That’s when the Hickey family comes in. Linda Hickey had been watching the news and sympathized so much with Xena that she called up the shelter and asked if she could adopt Xena. The shelter agreed and the Hickey family had a new addition.

When Xena arrived at the Hickey household she was greeted by a very special boy by the name of Jonny Hickey. Jonny had been born with autism and had problems communicating and socializing. What happened next surprised everybody!

Xena and Jonny developed a very strong bond, their shared hardships in life had brought them together. These days, Xena has completely recovered and Jonny is more social than ever! Please help spread this inspirational message with your friends.

Be sure to share this video with all your friends on Facebook right now because it will give them a chuckle! This is too cute to pass up. Spread the joy!