5 Yr Old Plays With 14 Beautiful Dogs. Now Watch When She Lifts Her Arms Up! WHOA!

The video below features a beautiful bond between a little girl and her faithful pack of German Shepherd dogs. It was a beautiful day and five-year-old Pernille was out in the fields. When dad saw his daughter playing around, he couldn’t help himself from filming the precious moment on camera. But wait till you see the reason why this video went viral!

Many people tend to think that dogs don’t stay on their best behavior when around children. But just take a look at this cute clip! This pack of 14 huge German Shepherds don’t have any trouble getting along with that tiny little girl. A dog’s characteristic is often influenced by the people they grow up with. And these beautiful pooches definitely grew up in the best of environment!

These beautiful German Shepherds are bred to be trained for different purposes. You can see the puppies in the video with their parents. This little girl is in a field of flowers, and is having a big time with all of these dogs and puppies around her. She’s free to run, just like they are.

She starts throwing her arms up and throwing flowers and grass into the air. Pretty soon, these clever dogs catch on and think it’s a game. They start taking turns jumping up to catch the grass. And they do! They can jump pretty high, too.

Watch this adorable video below! Did this make you smile? Don’t forget to share what you thought about it in the comments section!

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