Black bear displays good manners when asked to leave by a homeowner

The moment the doorbell rings, a wave of anticipation washes over us. It could be a loved one, a long-awaited package, or even a delightful surprise waiting at our doorstep. However, a resident in Naples, Florida, received an unexpected guest that left him in awe and the internet in stitches.

Late one evening, the homeowner heard noises outside, reminiscent of objects being knocked over on his porch. Initially, he suspected a prankster or a vandal causing havoc. But, to his astonishment, when the doorbell rang, he discovered a black bear casually exploring the porch as if on an important mission. Black bears, although common in Florida, are not the most welcome guests to find on one’s porch.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation estimates that there are approximately 4,050 black bears in the state, with males typically roaming within a 60 square mile radius and females staying closer to home within a 15 square mile area. Despite their frequency, the sight of a bear outside one’s door is undeniably unsettling.

On this particular evening, the bear seemed to have a penchant for mischief as it knocked down and destroyed the Christmas decorations adorning the front porch. The snowman figurine bore the brunt of the bear’s curiosity and was left disfigured. Whether this act of destruction was intentional or accidental remains a mystery, but the next move of the bear left the homeowner and subsequently, the internet, in awe.

After its brief encounter with the snowman, the bear, perhaps feeling a sense of guilt or simply wanting to notify the residents of its presence, rang the doorbell. The homeowner, alarmed yet intrigued by the unusual visitor, called out from the camera intercom, “Bear!” To his surprise, the bear paused and looked directly at the camera, almost as if acknowledging the call. Encouraged by this response, the homeowner repeated, “Bear, go away!”

In a surprising turn of events, the bear heeded the request and began to retreat, casting one final, almost apologetic glance towards the camera before disappearing into the night. This heartwarming interaction was captured on video and quickly went viral, amassing over a million views. While the situation could have escalated dangerously, the peaceful resolution left viewers charmed and amused.

One commenter humorously noted, “His mama raised him right. He rang the bell instead of ripping the door off its hinges and left when he realized he wasn’t welcome.” This sentiment was echoed by many, who were pleasantly surprised by the bear’s polite demeanor and its respect for the homeowner’s request.

While it is always advisable to exercise caution and maintain a safe distance from wildlife, this incident serves as a gentle reminder that even the most fearsome creatures can exhibit moments of unexpected gentleness and civility. It is heartwarming to think that this bear, although caught in the act of mischief, was polite enough to ring the doorbell and respectful enough to leave when asked.

Share this delightful encounter with your friends and family, and let it serve as a reminder to treat all creatures, great and small, with kindness and respect.

Share because your action will give animals a voice.

#bears #blackbear #wildlife

Black bear displays good manners when asked to leave by a homeowner