Corgi lets out the cutest howl between each bite of her food

Ever since she was a puppy, Willo the Corgi has been howling whenever she eats. Devon noticed Willo making noise when she was around 3 to 4 months old.

At first, Devon was worried and thought Willo was choking. Willo howled, then continued to eat and howled again. Devon was surprised and then relieved when there was nothing wrong with Willo.

Willo did it every time she ate. Devon believes it is Willo’s way of thanking her. Whenever she feeds Willlo, she will set down the bowl and make her wait until she says ok.

When Willo is about to finish her meal, that is when she will let out her signature note. She must do it because she loves food and is overjoyed to be eating.

Devon loves Willo’s sassy and huge personality. Willo is loud when she wants attention and is calm until she wants to be noticed again. Devon and Willo have an exceptional bond.

It is surprising because Willo’s favorite food is plain kibble. When Willo eats fancier food, she doesn’t howl as much, but when it comes to simple kibble, she is louder than usual.

Now that Willo is an adult, she doesn’t howl as much. She rarely does it, and it usually happens in the morning, which brightens up Devon’s day every time.

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Corgi lets out the cutest howl between each bite of her food