You can cuddle micropigs at this adorable Japanese cafe

Most people will agree one of the most relaxing activities is sitting at a cafe with your favorite drink. But cafe visits are even better when they involve adorable, tiny animals to snuggle while you sip.

You might have heard of dog or cat cafes before. This cafe in Japan decided to offer time with another cuddly companion. At Mipig Cafe Meguro, visitors would enjoy a drink with micropigs.

As many animal lovers will know, one of the major concerns for micropigs is that they do not stay small forever. Many people who choose to adopt micropigs do not do proper research and end up abandoning them when they are older.

Fortunately, Mipig Cafe ensures that all of their pigs find happy, loving forever homes. They also put microchips in all their pigs, so if any of the pigs lose their homes, the workers can find permanent homes elsewhere.

Inside Mipig Cafe, the workers took the safety of their little ones just as seriously. Before a person saw the piglets, they had to sign a waiver ensuring they would not pass on any sicknesses to the micro pigs.

Once all the necessary paperwork was filled out, visitors chose one of the floors to visit. Inside, three to four piglets would be waiting. And yes, they were just as adorable as you would imagine.

These tiny piglets wagged their tails like dogs and would climb onto visitors’ laps. Sounds like pure perfection to any animal lover and an excellent reason to plan that trip to Japan soon!

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You can cuddle micropigs at this adorable Japanese cafe