Dog is the size of a small horse, but her sister is weirder

Claire thought Abby, a Borzoi, was a weird dog, then she met Cleo, a Silken Windhoud, who was even more bizarre. She met Abby when she started dating Dom.

Abby is the size of a petite horse; it took some time before she grew on Claire. Then, later on, Cleo became part of the family. They called her a worm because she was so skinny and long.

Both dogs have pretty opposite personalities. Abby is laidback, while Cleo is a rebel. Claire called Cleo an all-terrain vehicle because she does it all. The family’s favorite activity is going hiking.

Cleo loves jumping in the mud and scouting the paths they visit. Once Cleo has the lay of the land, she will sprint around as fast as she can. Claire gets slightly stressed when Cleo starts dashing around.

When Dom and Claire first adopted Cleo, they thought it would be great for Abby because both dogs had the same mannerisms. Instead, Cleo didn’t care about Abby at first.

Cleo and Abby do get along only when they are playing outside or inside. They never cuddle. If no fun or food is involved, both dogs usually keep to themselves.

Dom remembers when Abby used to have bad separation anxiety. He learned patience and responsibility from Abby. Claire says that Abby is the heart and soul of their family, and Cleo is the comedic relief.

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Dog is the size of a small horse, but her sister is weirder