Flint The Adorable Bobcat Gets A Forever Home

The folks at Big Cat Rescue have been raising Flint the disabled Bobcat, but now he needs a forever home. It’s moving day as Flint enters his new habitat.

Now that it’s been determined that Flint, with his abnormal pelvis and deformed bones, won’t be able to hunt in the wild, BCR is moving him into his permanent home. Let’s see how he likes the new digs.

One fan of Flint was very happy to see him move into his new habitat: “It’s so cute when he’s playing around! He looks like a slightly larger housecat just having fun and being normal. I’m so glad you all were able to rescue him. More importantly, you’re able to provide a safe place for him to live out his life in peace and tranquility.”

#Animals #WildAnimals #Bobcat

Flint The Adorable Bobcat Gets A Forever Home