
A Happy Baby Horse Plays Around With A Woman. They’ll Make Your Heart MELT!

Nothing can conquer our hearts as quickly as a baby animal. Today, we brought to you a video that captures a moment like this just perfectly. A woman by the name of Sunny Bayne was ‘horsing’ around a farm, when she met the most perfect friend you could imagine. A baby horse came close to her, and she naturally couldn’t resist to pet his neck and play around with him. This tenacious foal got comfortable with her, and decided the best way to show his love was to lie on top of her!

After they started rolling on the floor together, you can see the happiness overflowing from both of them. She even says that it’s the best day of her life, and who wouldn’t, after cuddling around with a horse? The clip started getting millions of views since the day it was posted, and it swiftly went viral afterwards. It’s hard not to fall in love with touching videos that show a special bond between animals and people. I really makes me feel al warm and fuzzy inside!


Don’t miss this adorable moment, down below. Do you like watching videos like this one? Share it with everyone on Facebook!

SHARE this precious video with all your friends on Facebook right now because this is just too cute to pass up. It will brighten everybody’s day and make you happy, too!
