Veteran Was Separated From His K9 For A Year, But Wait Till You See How They React When They Reunite

The video featured below shares with us a heart-warming bond between a soldier and his K9 partner. The K9 featured is named CiCi, and this adorable Lab has been all over the world trying to protect American soldiers from harm. She has a specialization in detection of explosives. During her time in the military, she formed an amazing friendship with Sgt. Jason Bos. But when Bos retired from his duties, they got separated. Cici wasn’t ready to retire yet and she belonged to the army, not Bos.

Last year, CiCi was retired from the military for some reason and free of her duties. She was free to be adopted. When Jason heard about it, he knew that he had to do everything he could to bring her back to him. He made some calls, and thanks to his connections, managed to reunite with his beloved companion. Both these friends look full of joy when they finally reunite and it will surely warm your heart! Just wait until you see them together at the airport, and even in the interview. It’s clear that this army sergeant and his dog love each other very much and will have many happy days ahead of them.

Watch their reunion in the video and let us know your thoughts about it in the comments section! We’d love to hear from you! And if you think Cici’s story is worth sharing, as I do, please repost this on Facebook so your friends and family can see how great she is too.

Be sure to share this video with your friends and family on Facebook because it will make them smile… and you’ll smile, too 🙂