Woman rescues a ginger cat from the side of the road

When Josie found the stray cat, he was just to the side of the road as she drove past, as if he was waiting for someone to come rescue him and take him home.

Image Credit Madly Odd

But when Josie approached him, he got scared and hid, refusing to come out of hiding. With some patience and a little bit of cat food, Josie was able to rescue the kitty and bring him home.

It was still early in the morning, so none of the veterinarians had opened up yet, so Josie fed the kitty herself and did her best with what she had to clean the kitty up.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Shortly after feeding the stray cat, Josie contacted a cat rescue, and they told Josie they could see the kitty. At the vet, the cat had a lot of healing to do. He was just skin and bones, but he still had a lot of energy whenever Josie came to visit.

And when Josie’s husband met the cat, he fell in love, too. The moment the cat saw her husband, he walked over and curled up in her husband’s lap. Two-and-a-half months after going to the vet, Josie and her husband took the cat home.

Image Credit Madly Odd

Josie and her husband decided to name the cat Lucian. At his forever home, Luci’s energy continued to grow with every day that passed. “He knew that he could trust us,” said Josie.

After an incredible journey, Luci had finally found a place where he belonged and a family that loved him unconditionally. “He’s the sweetest guy,” said Josie. “He has my heart.”

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Woman rescues a ginger cat from the side of the road